I just wanted to drop a note to let you guys know what's been going on here. I recently got a job!! Yay me!! I can hear the cheering and clapping. It's been a long time coming, about 3 yrs to be exact! So, until I can get into the groove of my new job training and working I might be a little here and there.. please bear with me! My new job is a cleaning position with an awesome local company that uses only natural products..http://www.maidnaturally.com I love not having to smell chemicals all day long and having to worry about ruining clothes with bleach or other chemicals. I believe you can order their cleaning supplies off the website. So take a look.
Having not had a job for about 3 yrs and going right into a physically demanding job, my body has kind of went into shock! so until I can get into the groove of working again, I'm not sure when I will have another workout posted for you. But never fear for the time being check out this workout.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SWEsbzzwab0 it's from my FB friend Melissa Powers. Who also has a blog.. check it out under my favorite things section on the right of this post!

I do however have a vegetarian recipe for you... We call these Shamburgers, well because they are a sham of a burger... get it!! LOL
1 cup TVP (textured vegetable protein)
1 cup boiling water
3 eggs well beaten
1/2 cup diced onion
1/3 cup cream or canned milk
1 pkg stroganoff seasoning mix
1 Tbls Brewers yeast
1/2 tsp seasoning salt
1/4 tsp salt
1 cup raw oatmeal ( instant oats are best but I don't have those so I used the less processed kind)
combine the TVP and boiling water in a bowl, let sit for 30 mins to rehydrate, then add all ingredients together and put in fridge for a couple hours so the oatmeal can absorb the moisture. Drop by spoonfuls into your greased pan over a med heat. Brown on both sides cooking well.
you can serve these on a bun like a real hamburger or you can use them in a casserole or eat them plain like I sometimes do!! This recipe comes from my Grandma.. out of her cookbook. The Three Sisters cookbook. I grew up eating these and I do love them!!
I hope everyone is having a good week so far.. Ours has been a little rocky as our 7 mo old Boston Terrier Luka, has been sick and throwing up for the last couple of days. A trip to the vet, x-rays and some rehydration is hopefully all he needed. But time will tell. So say a little prayer for him, will ya?!
Thanks guys!
Sherice oxox
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