How was everyone's Sunday? Mine was a typical Sunday of cooking breakfast for the family, then cleaning the kitchen, laundry and my workout! I love to workout on Sundays. I have a membership at Golds gym and Sunday is one of my favorite days to workout there. It's usually empty and I have the whole place to myself. I know it sounds selfish but I hate it when I've got my workout all ready to go and I get there and a piece of equipment is being used that I've got in my workout, or god forbid there's a class going on and I can't even use the small area. That's why I LOVE Sundays at Golds.

The workouts I do are typically high intensity interval training workouts or H.I.I.T. that are usually work at your max intensity for a short amount of time with a small amount of recovery time in between exercises, and I do cardio also. Either on the Elliptical or the Arc trainer. I've been trying to do some running because I REALLY want to do one of those Warrior Dashes or Spartan races. But my knee is just not having it. so until I figure what's going on there it's best for me to do lower impact cardio exercises. I do incorporate cardio into my H.I.I.T workouts, which are usually jumping jacks, burpees, low jacks, Mt. Climbers or anything else that gets my heart rate up.
About a yr ago I stumbled upon a website while searching for workout videos on Youtube. I was bored with doing the typical sets and reps workouts my trainer had me doing and I needed something different. I've got A.D.H.D. and a very short attention span. When I found it changed my life! The front women Zuzana had so much enthusiasm and the site has such a great community of supportive people who are called Bodyrockers. The workouts are H.I.I.T workouts. But as all good things come to an end so did her reign as the front women when her and her husband decided to call it quits. I still enjoy the site but nothing like I used to. So I thought "well I want to be a trainer so why can't I start putting together my own H.I.I.T workouts?" Now I have.

Here's today's workout~
No Pain No Gain Workout~
Set your interval timer for 2 intervals a 10 sec rest one which is the first interval and then second is 35 sec work interval. you will do 7 exercises 4 times through for a total of 28 rounds. So you put the rounds in the lower left hand box. (There will be instructions when you get your timer) This workout is a total of 21 mins long. Now lets be honest, who doesn't have 21 minutes in their day to do something for themselves. underneath the exercises are my scores. It's always good to keep a log of the workouts so you can go back and beat your personal best and see just how far you've come. I recommend you do!!! I'm hesitant to show you how to do the exercises now because I'm not a Certified Personal Trainer and I wouldn't want someone hurting themselves. So I have posted links to the ones I could and for the ones I haven't posted a link for please look them up on
1. Low jacks~ I only counted the ones on the way out, but you can count out and in if you'd like, sometimes I do as well. I'm not sure why I didn't today, maybe because I was focused on good form!
2. Bench dips~
15,16, 15, 16,
3. One legged squats or Pistols~ Right leg (this was my first time doing these so I needed to hold on to a railing
4. One legged squats or Pistols~ Left leg
5. Plank elbow knee tuck at 2:08 you will see how to do this exercise.
14, 17, 15, 14,
6. Low Jacks again
7. Leg lift, star crunch, butt lift
5, 5, 5, 5 this is a link that show's how to do # 7 and the low jacks
I know right now this may be confusing. I have just started this blog so I will be learning as I go. Please bare with me. If you have questions please leave me a comment or email me at
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